What you need to know
As a Sandia employee, it’s important to track your work hours, including time spent completing training.
How It Works
Be sure to review the HR Solutions Training Charging article, which provides guidance on how to correctly charge time for training activities.
For the purposes of time charging, Sandia distinguishes between professional and career development and formal training, such as courses offered through TEDS.
- Formal training should be charged to corporate training overhead (with manager approval) or a direct project (if training is included in the statement of work).
- Time spent on defined professional and career development activities is chargeable to the benefiting direct- and indirect-funded projects.
Project/task numbers for training vary from division to division, as divisions track training costs differently. To obtain a project/task to charge your time in training, refer to guidance provided by your division business administrator (DBA) or center business administrator (CBA).
In addition, you may use:
Training P/T Search Tool
The P/T Search Tool is to help guide you to find the P/T related to your training. Before using this tool, make sure you have reviewed the HR Solutions Training Charging Article and are familiar with charging policies. The tool will provide active project and tasks (P/T) based on the information you enter. Once you choose a Division, Center, and Training Description, you will be provided with the P/T.
A few notes:
- Make sure you have manager approval for taking and charging training.
- Make sure your manager approves the specific P/T you plan to charge.
- Use the Division and Center for the benefiting division (please check with your manager if you are not sure which is the benefiting division).
After reading the information above, click here to begin using the Training P/T Search Tool.
Documents and Forms
Training Charging Quick Reference – Summarizes which costs should and should not be charged to the corporate training P/T
Training Charging Guidance – Provides detailed guidance on which costs should and should not be charged to the corporate training P/T
TRC 290 for corporate-required training – Lists courses and amount of time that can be charged to TRC290 for each
TRC 295 for required training for managers – Lists courses and amount of time that can be charged to TRC295 for each.
HR Solutions

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