They say teamwork makes the dream work. Read on for five steps anyone can take to help build stronger teams.
Category: CAREER
As part of our effort to support our employees in every aspect of your professional journey, Sandia has implemented enhancements to our relocation benefits that have already made positive impacts.
Whether you’re just starting out, looking to switch careers or simply want to meet other Sandians, Careerapalooza has something for everyone.
Whether you are early in your career or a seasoned expert, continuous learning and professional development allows you to take ownership of your career and feel more empowered and confident in your abilities.
This electrifying hybrid event takes you through a journey of videos demonstrating rocket sled tests, explosive events, rocket assisted cable pull-downs, flight tests, and beyond.
Performance Check-ins are your opportunity to have constructive performance and career development conversations with your manager. Make these conversations more valuable with a little preparation.
Time spent learning is time well spent. Whether you need to brush up on your communication skills, find solutions for running more efficient meetings, create better working relationships or finally get your workspace organized, we’ve got you covered.
Receiving performance feedback isn’t always easy, but feedback provides you valuable insights into how you can grow and develop. Review tips for receiving feedback with an open mind and treating what you learn as the valuable tool it is.