Engaging a Blended Workforce – Toolkit
The scenarios and resources in this toolkit will help you as a manager in listening, connecting, and supporting your employees during this unique time.
Though not meant to be used as scripts, the scenarios provide an opportunity to pause and reflect on potential situations and how they may be experienced from the employee’s point of view – and from yours.
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Scenario 1: Employee Uncomfortable About Returning to Onsite Work
Employee expresses they are not ready to return to work and feels uncomfortable with the decision that they will need to work around others.
Scenario 2: Employee is Disengaged and Frustrated with Onsite or Virtual Work
- Employees who are required to return to the office tell you that they feel more engaged working virtually, and their level of engagement will decrease by returning to the office.
- Employees who remain working virtually based on their work duties tell you they do not like virtual work and want the engagement of working in the presence of others.
Scenario 3: Balancing Productivity Expectations and Employees’ Needs
You find it challenging to balance the need for productivity to meet mission needs and leadership vision with the reality that employees may feel uncomfortable returning to the office and may not be working to their fullest.
Scenario 4: Employees Balancing Work and Life
Employees are having difficulty focusing on work because of personal situations at home or in their lives due to the COVID-19 crisis.
Scenario 5: Feeling Overwhelmed in Leading Your Team in Transition
Your employees are required to return to the office in the next two weeks and you are unsure of how to move forward and keep employees engaged in the upcoming projects within a new work environment.
Other Sandia Return to Onsite Work Resources
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Human Resources Business Partners (HRBPs)
- Development Coaches
- Questions? Contact HR Solutions at 505-284-4700
Sandia has various tools to return employees to the office. This specific toolkit is a resource for managers to lead the return to the work process through engagement and compassion, when employees are required to return to the office. This toolkit was not developed to support the process of return to work through medical.

Where to next?
Take advantage of Sandia’s resources for building your leadership skills and becoming a mentor (or finding one).

As we return to a more normal state, employee engagement is vital.
Managers and leaders are the front line in creating an environment in which employees are motivated, productive, valued, satisfied, and safe both emotionally and physically.
The cornerstone of this toolkit is supporting managers in ensuring employee engagement, with a focus on empathy and compassion. We have all experienced a global event – together and apart.