What you need to know
Your eligibility for the programs and benefits noted below may be based on your hire date, employment status, and other factors.
Manager Incentive Plan
The management incentive plan includes all levels of management with a performance block rating of 1, 2, 4, or 5.
High Performance Incentive Plan
The high performance incentive plan includes all non-management employees in an active, regular, non-represented role (exempt and non-exempt employees) with a performance block rating of 1, 2, or 4.
Savings and Income Plan (401(k))
You can contribute to the 401(k) plan if you are at least 21 years old and a regular employee working:
- A full-time or part-time schedule
- As a limited term employee
- As a post-doctoral appointee
Go to Fidelity NetBenefits to start making pretax contributions.
Sandia provides matching contributions to your 401(k) if you meet the criteria above.
In addition, if you were hired on or after January 1, 2009, you will receive a service-based contribution from Sandia. If eligible, you are automatically enrolled.
Retirement Income Plan (Pension)
Non-represented employees are eligible for the retirement income plan if:
- You are an eligible employee as outlined in the summary plan description document, and
- You were hired or rehired before January 1, 2009.
If you are eligible for this plan, you are automatically enrolled.
Pension plan eligibility for represented employees
Eligible represented employees hired or rehired before July 1, 2009 (OPEIU) or July 1, 2010 (MTC and SPA) were previously part of the pension security plan.
On January 1, 2013, this plan was merged into the retirement income plan.
Sandia-Paid Life and Accident Insurance Coverage
Sandia-paid life and accident insurance coverage is provided automatically at no cost to regular employees and eligible non-regular employees. Refer to the summary plan description documents for all the eligibility details.
Voluntary Life and Accident Insurance Coverage
If you are eligible for Sandia-paid life and accident insurance coverage, you can also purchase voluntary life and accident insurance coverage.
You have the opportunity to enroll as a new hire, and you can enroll or change your coverage at any time; proof of good health may be required.
Long-Term Disability
Benefits-eligible employees are automatically covered under Sandia’s standard long-term disability plan. You can also purchase additional coverage called “long-term disability buy-up.”
You can choose a buy-up option when you enroll for benefits as a new hire.
You can also request to increase your coverage outside of your new hire enrollment period; evidence of insurability may be required. Refer to HR Solutions for the instructions.
Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA)
If you are eligible for Sandia’s health benefits, you can enroll in a dependent care FSA.
As a new hire and each year during open enrollment, you can enroll and decide how much to contribute to your dependent care FSA based on the expenses you expect to incur.
Your enrollment is not automatically carried over from year to year.
Transportation Spending Account (TSA) – CA employees only
The TSA is for California employees only.
You may enroll at any time by completing the Sandia transit parking enrollment form.

Support for issues big and small
Financial wellness resources support you and your family – at every stage and age.
Quick Tip
Pay your health expenses with tax-free dollars
Sandia’s healthcare flexible spending account provides you with the vehicle! You can enroll as a new hire and during each year’s open enrollment.