What you need to know
If you are unable to work due to a serious health condition and have used up your sickness absence hours, vacation, flextime, and other approved leaves, you may be eligible to apply for benefits from Sandia’s long-term disability (LTD) plan.
About Disability Coverage
Sandia’s LTD plan offers financial protection to you and your family in case you become disabled and cannot work.
You are automatically enrolled in the Sandia LTD plan through MetLife at no cost to you.
The plan replaces 50% of your income should you become disabled.
For additional coverage of either 10% or 20% more in income replacement benefits, you can enroll in the LTD buy-up option.
You can enroll in buy-up coverage at any time, but if you elect it after your initial enrollment period as a new hire, evidence of insurability may be required.
You pay the premiums for this coverage through after-tax payroll deductions.
Contacts and Resources
800-438-6388 (customer service)
800-275-4638 (claims)

Adding to the Family?
From pregnancy, to newborn days at home, to returning to work, Sandia’s Expectant Parent Program supports you through the baby steps of the parenting journey.
Quick Tip
Think you may qualify for disability but you’re not sure?
Medical case managers (MCMs) can help provide coordination during your injury or illness, including a serious health condition that could qualify for disability benefits. Your MCM will help you understand and access available resources, both within Sandia and in the community. Be sure to reach out to them as soon as possible so they can provide maximum assistance.