Author: lkadams

WELL-BEING: Crafting a Personalized Retirement Income Plan

Retirement is unique for everyone, and so should be your retirement plan. Factors like savings, expenses, health, family, and values all play a role in shaping your ideal retirement strategy.

CAREER: Steps We Can All Take To Become Better Leaders

Leadership is not limited to those with the title of manager or director. It is a quality that can be cultivated by anyone through continuous learning, self-awareness and a personal commitment to fostering a positive work environment.

CULTURE: Mutual Trust in the Workplace Supports Teaming, Innovation and Well-being

Trust is the basis of any good relationship. Fostering trust in the workplace is an essential ingredient of a healthy and productive work environment.

WELL-BEING: Need a Recharge?

Impactful and busy lives take an abundance of energy, focus and engagement. It is important to make the time to recharge for a healthier, happier and more productive life.

CULTURE: Parents Can Balance Work and Career with Child-Raising

Balancing work and raising children is a challenge facing many Sandians. The Sandia Parents Group wants to normalize parenting at Sandia and help parents maintain successful and productive careers while managing caregiving responsibilities.

CAREER: Start on the Next Steps in Performance Engagement Process

It’s time to start wrapping up the first year of our new performance engagement process during the Annual Summation phase, now underway.

CAREER: Sandia Remains Committed to Hybrid Work

With the pandemic in the rearview mirror and as more companies return to full-time office work, learn about Sandia’s approach to hybrid work.

WELL-BEING: Register for Q3 Track for Success HAP

Become a “track” star in just four short weeks, while also earning your $100 health action plan credit for your 2025 HRA or HSA.

WELL-BEING: How To Save for College and When To Start

When your child is preparing to leave for college, you may not be emotionally ready, but with some early preparation you can be financially ready.

CULTURE: Teamwork is a Foundation of Organizational Success

Strong teams in the workplace promote productivity, quality of work, creativity, innovation and job satisfaction, all of which help Sandia achieve its mission. Learn why We Team is a an important aspirational culture characteristic.