What you need to know
If you are eligible, a federal law called the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides you with up to 12 weeks of unpaid protected leave during a 12-month period.
FMLA also ensures your group health benefits continue during your leave.
Eligibility for FMLA
To be eligible for FMLA benefits during your employment with Sandia, you need to meet the following conditions. You must have:
- Worked for Sandia for at least 12 months
- Worked at least 1,250 hours in the 12 months before taking leave
When You Can Use FMLA
FMLA provides job protection when you need to take time off for the reasons below.
You will need to submit required forms and other documentation before your leave is approved.
FMLA covers:
- Your recovery after delivering a baby
- Bonding time with your new baby
- Bonding time with your adopted child or foster child
FMLA covers time away for:
- Taking care of your own serious health condition
- Caring for your spouse, child, or parent with a serious health condition
You may be eligible for up to 26 weeks of leave to care for a member of the U.S. uniformed services. Refer to HR Solutions for more details.
While You Are on Leave
You can take FMLA continuously (for a full 12 weeks), intermittently (in shorter blocks of time), or through a reduced work schedule.
FMLA runs concurrently with Sandia time away from work benefits, including sickness absence leave and paid family leave.
Your Sandia health benefits will continue while you are away; however, you are responsible for continuing to pay your share of premiums.
Also, you need to work with your manager to record your time away.
California and many other states offer additional leave benefits for eligible employees (for example, the California Family Rights Act). If you live in a state with its own laws, the law that is most favorable to you (either federal or state) will apply.
Returning to Work
If you are away from work to recover from childbirth or your own illness, you must coordinate your return to work with an Employee Health Services medical case manager.
California Family Rights Act (CFRA)
Similar to FMLA, the California Family Rights Act (CFRA) provides you with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave during a 12-month period. CFRA protects your job while you are away. You can use CFRA leave to Care for yourself if you cannot work because of your own illness, bond with a new child and care for a sick family member including:
- spouse
- domestic partner
- children of any age
- children of a domestic partner
- parents
- parents-in-law
- grandparents
- grandchildren
- and siblings of the employee
CFRA may run concurrently with FMLA and other Sandia time away from work benefits, including sickness absence leave.
Contacts and Resources
HR Solutions

Almost ready?
HR Solutions is here to help you plan your time for bonding with your new addition.
For California-specific benefits, contact a CA Medical Case Manager from the Division 8000 Operations Absent Management Services page.
Quick Tip
Care for the caregiver
Caring for a sick child or parent can take its toll – emotionally and financially. Your Sandia medical plan and Sandia’s employee assistance program can point you to many resources to help. Find more details.