What you need to know
Pay rates are determined by the Compensation Department on an annual basis through a process that includes market surveys and benchmarking against similar organizations and corporations. The student internship pay structure is reviewed annually and is adjusted as appropriate.
Pay Structure
- High school students are paid hourly at a set rate.
- Undergraduate students are paid hourly at a rate determined by job classification (R&D, technical, business, clerical, laborer) and the number of total earned units.
- Intern pay rates at the time of hire are determined based on education status and review of the most recent official transcript, and in alignment with the on-roll intern population. For example, the new hire will be paid for credits earned up through the same term for which on-roll interns are currently compensated.
- Graduate professional interns are paid hourly according to the type of job classification and their level of advancement toward an MS/MA or PhD degree. PhD graduate pay is available only for PhD students who have advanced to candidacy after completing their courses and exams, as verified by the school advisor.
Work hours
If you are a high school or undergraduate year-round intern, you may work up to 25 hours per week during the academic term. Graduate interns may work up to 30 hours per week during the academic term. All interns may work up to 40 hours per week during official school breaks.
Summer, Co-op and academic-term interns may work up to 40 hours per week during their internships.
If you have questions about your pay, pay structure, or work hours, contact the representative from Sandia HR or Student Intern Programs with whom you’ve been in touch.
You can also reach out to one of the designated Sandia site points of contact.