News & Communications

CULTURE: Using Preferred Names at Sandia

More than 10,000 members of Sandia’s workforce have taken advantage of a new feature that allows the use of preferred names in many of Sandia’s systems, including Sandia Directory (SAPLE), Inside page, Outlook and Teams.

CAREER: Remote Workers Have More Resources at Their Fingertips

The updated Telecommuting/Remote Work Policy and associated guide improves clarity and describes reduced approval requirements. Plus, plug into the Telecommuting and Virtual Work Community for resources and support.

CULTURE: What It Means to Lead Courageously

Leading Courageously in a complex work environment is understanding that you may not always do things right, but you will always do the right thing. Take a learning journey to understand how to lead with courage.

CULTURE: Explore How Comparison Affects the Workplace

The next Connections session examines what happens when we allow comparison to enter the workplace and influence our interactions with others and ourselves.

WELL-BEING: Support for Working Parents

For working parents balancing family and work can sometimes feel overwhelming. We offer benefits-eligible, non-represented Sandians and their family members resources to help working parents.

WELL-BEING: Recharge Without the Electrical Outlet

Recharging our phones is second nature. What isn’t quite as automatic is knowing how to recharge ourselves, which can help us deal with stresses of daily life.

CULTURE: Connecting When We Feel Wronged

Join the fourth Connections workshop to explore emotions related to anger and how to use these emotions to connect with others and with yourself.

CULTURE: Sandia Celebrates Diversity & Inclusion

Listen as a panel of Sandia’s award winners share the stories of their inspiring careers and advice on how to effectively navigate through Sandia’s corporate norms.

CULTURE: Helping Parents Balance Work and Child-Raising

Balancing work and raising children is a challenge for many Sandians. Sandia Parents Group helps you balance a successful and productive career while managing caregiving responsibilities.

CAREER: Prepare for Year-End Performance Review

Now is the time for regular, nonrepresented employees to finalize your results for the Sandia Standard Goal, SMART Goals, Behaviors, and Career Development Goal(s) in ePerformance.